Thursday, 20 October 2011

Laser Tattoo Removal - The Most Common Removal Method

Laser tattoo removal is the most popular method of tattoo removal.

Over years technology has improved and developed to give us this method of removal, before this method wasn't trusted as it left patients in more pain due to the lack of technology but thankfully that was back then and this is now.

How It Works...
A high-intensity laser is aimed at your tattoo, this laser emits short bursts of energy (the laser) which goes through the skin and breaks up the pigment into smaller pieces. As the pigment under the skin is now smaller the body can start to get rid of the unwanted ink.

The process will take a couple of sessions spread over weeks (and even months) to completely remove the tattoo.

How Much Does It Cost?
I can't put an exact price on how much this is going to cost you. Different surgeons will charge you different prices due to how professional they are and other reasons. Some will charge you by session and there are things that can decide how many sessions you have such as...

  • The darkness of the tattoo - if it is really dark then more sessions will be needed
  • Light colours - There are some (few) bright colours which reflect the laser making it harder to remove
  • The age of your tattoo - Newer tattoos will be harder to remove because the pigment is new in the skin
This method is invasive (invades the skin) and due to this there are risks and side-effects...
  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Permanent scarring
  • Itchiness and irritation months after the procedure
  • Damage to surrounding skin
  • The skin can also grow back darker or lighter than the original colour
Is this the method to use?
I can't tell you whether or not to choose laser tattoo removal or not but if you have the money to blow then go for it but do it at your own choice.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

What Is A Tattoo?

To understand any method of tattoo removal you first need to understand what a tattoo really is. Yes it is a bit of ink in the skin but there is more to it than that.

A tattoo is a pigment that is under the epidermis (in the dermis). As the needles goes in and out of the skin it deposits ink in this section on the skin. Sometimes the ink doesn't make it all the way through and this ink peels off as the skin sheds (if you've had a tattoo you know about the peeling procedure) leaving just the ink in the dermis.

The body thinks that the pigment is a foreign substance (which it is) and releases white blood cells to get rid of it, however due to the large size of the pigment it cannot be removed from the body via the immune system.

This is what makes a tattoo permanent and to understand how any of the removal methods work you'll have to understand this.